Treatment Plant Hydraulic Analyses

Treatment Plant Hydraulic Analysis, East Bay Municipal Utilities District, CA
Dr. Lewandowski performed hydraulic calculations for modifications to two East Bay Municipal Utilities District plants. At one plant, an increase in weir trough heights was proposed to increase plant capacity. At another plant, the filtered water manifold was checked for sufficient capacity to meet higher peak flow requirements.

Penitencia Treatment Plant Storage Hydraulic Analysis, Santa Clara Valley Water District, CA
For the Santa Clara Valley Water District’s Penitencia WTP, Dr. Lewandowski identified necessary operational procedure and reservoir level control changes resulting from revised plant piping and use of storage. The plant storage was used as a clearwell hydraulic control to set the hydraulic grade in the distribution system as well as provide for flow during filter backwash.

Harry Tracy Water Treatment Plant Flow Analysis, San Francisco, CA
Dr. Lewandowski identified the causes of unequal flow distribution between plant processes at the Harry Tracy WTP in San Francisco CA, and proposed possible modifications to balance flows at the plant.

Pulgas Dechloramination System Hydraulic Analysis, San Francisco, CA
Dr. Lewandowski performed the system hydraulic calculations and hydraulic profile for the dechloramination system constructed at the Pulgas Pumping Station. The dechloramination system is a 2,000 ft length, 10 ft diameter pipeline designed to provide sufficient contact time for dechloramination before discharge of the water into Crystal Springs Reservoir. Minimal head loss was required at the control structures necessary to maintain full pipe flow in the system. Hydraulic analyses were also performed for the outlet channel to determine potential improvements necessary to prevent overtopping of the channel during peak flows.

Filter Bed Flow Distribution Hydraulic Analysis, San Francisco, CA
Dr. Lewandowski was the Project Manager for a computational fluid dynamics (CFD) analysis of the filter gullets at the Harry Tracy Water Treatment Plant in San Francisco. Non-uniform distribution of flow from the gullet between filter beds was the suspected cause of observed gravel movement in the filter beds. Baffles were proposed to provide more uniform flow distribution. Dr. Lewandowski reviewed normal filter operations and three types of backwash conditions, and identified hydraulic conditions for each case. Two types of baffles, a cross-flow baffle and a bracket baffle, were analyzed. CFD results indicated the installation of the baffle would greatly improve the uniformity of flows from the gullet.

Plant Capacity Study, Union Sanitary District, Union City, CA
Dr. Lewandowski was project engineer for a wastewater treatment plant capacity study for the Union Sanitary District in Union City, California. In this study, he developed operational procedures to test the maximum hydraulic capacity of the plant under conditions where peak daily flows were only approximately half of the peak design flows. He also assisted in process capacity test development and review of test results. The study has found that the plant has a greater physical capacity than designed, and has allowed the efficiency of individual process units in the plant to be greatly increased by changes in operation.

Treatment Plant Water Distribution System Improvements, San Jose, CA
As project engineer for a water distribution system modeling project, Dr. Lewandowski led the modeling effort for a 14 mgd supply, cooling and irrigation water distribution system at the San Jose water pollution control plant, San Jose, California. A field test was formulated and performed to provide system calibration information. Alternative methods to provide water service for a new treatment plant process were identified and modeled.

Wastewater Sampling and Waste Loading Assessment, Sacramento CA
Dr. Lewandowski reviewed industrial wastewater flows created by an alcohol processing plant operation and instituted a program to sample and measure appropriate waste streams. He critically reviewed and compiled wastewater sampling data for a mass balance of the waste loading within the plant. He also developed options for waste handling and treatment of oily process streams within the plant.

Operation and Maintenance Manual, Brentwood, CA
Dr. Lewandowski has written a plant operation and maintenance manual for operation of the headworks building, the chemical feed system, the secondary process, the plant water system, and the effluent discharge for the wastewater treatment plant expansion at Brentwood, CA.

Operation and Maintenance Manual, Harrisonville, MO
Dr. Lewandowski has written a manual for operation of the Complete Mix Activated Sludge (CMAS) treatment process used in the wastewater treatment plant expansion at Harrisonville, Missouri. He also wrote an operations and maintenance manual for equipment installed during the plant expansion.

Operation and Maintenance Manual, LAVWMA Pumping Station, Dublin, CA
Dr. Lewandowski has written a manual for operation of the LAVWMA Pumping Station and secondary storage basin at Dublin, CA. The pumping station was upgraded with additional capacity and influent control provision. An emergency overflow was also constructed with the pumping station upgrade.
Dr. Jeff Lewandowski, P.E., C 52503

Advanced Hydro Engineering

3082 Cafeto Drive, Walnut Creek , CA 94598

(925) 639-7053

E-mail Jeff Lewandowski :

Dr. Lewandowski is a registered professional engineer in the State of California, and has 30 years of professional experience in water related systems analysis and modeling, including:

Drinking Water Systems
Wastewater Systems
Storm Drain Systems
Subsurface Drainage

His clients appreciate his strategic and practical solutions, his easy to understand explanations of project results and his attention to maintaining the project schedule and budget.